Your Social Media Presence

Your social media page can make or break you. It sets the whole online tone that gives people the idea of who you are, and what you are like, before even meeting you. Your posting frequency, your posts, images you share and pages you like all come together to form a concept of your personality, and set the tone for interviews.

Now, to be completely inactive on your social media groups is asinine, but when posting, consider how you would feel if the post or picture were e-mailed or shared with your employer, your parents and someday your kids. If you don’t feel comfortable with that idea, don’t like or post it.

Use your social media groups to share your accomplishments and connect with like-minded individuals. By doing so, you could easily take your Lord of the Rings paper and share it with your Tolkien friends on Facebook, who could know of a publishing company who is willing to take you on and publish your work. Social media is a great tool, use it as a handy resource and take advantage of the great benefits it offers, while maintaining a clean, work-friendly presence online.